No new photo this time, but an update on our bluebird population. For three days straight, we have had bluebirds checking the house in the yard. We’ve had a pair visiting on occasion since the summer, but this time there were three male birds here to look it over, one of which looked to have some white feathers on the back of his neck….an older male perhaps? At any rate, they were here Sunday morning for 15 or 20 minutes. Then on Monday, three more came, the same three perhaps, I don’t know. Then a female joined them, and she eventually went inside the house. Later a male also went inside. This group stayed around for 20 minutes or more before flying away.
This morning, a male and a female were visiting. The male went inside for a few minutes but the female just peeked in at the door. They stayed around for 15 minutes or so, then they both came and looked over the birdhouse on the deck railing before flying away again. It would be interesting to know if these birds are all wintering over here, or if maybe the group of males that came were just migrating through the area.