Saturday, December 27, 2008

Art Goals for 2009

Do you procrastinate where your art is concerned like I do, letting other responsibilities take precedence again and again until nothing creative ever gets done? I have known since childhood that what I want most in this life is to be able to create works of art, whether it be painting or drawing, or sculpting, or fabric arts, or any of the other myriad applications that feed the creative hunger many of us feel. And at times in my life, I have been able to do this. Lately, my muse has been playing games with me and disappears for days, sometimes weeks, at a time. My game plan for the coming months is to confine her to my studio and produce some manner of art work on a weekly, if not a daily basis. (I know better than to promise daily results!.
First and foremost I MUST resist the urge to commit to swaps, challenges, and the like because they always take over my creative time and focus to the detriment of any original ideas I might otherwise develop (operative word here is "might").
I want to continue to work on my drawing and watercolors. I plan to take another in person watercolor class with a local artist....a different one this time who comes highly recommended. I hope to keep searching until I find a teacher who will help me do the kind of watercolor paintings I want to do.
In addition to that, a small online group I'm happy to belong to has proposed a project for January which involves, not drawing or painting, but just photographing areas of our local environs daily and posting the photos on our blogs. This should serve to help form daily artistic habits and maybe will carry over into other artistic areas, like drawing and painting and sculpting as well....wouldn't you think? Anyway, I think it's a wonderful idea to provide us with something creative to do in those dreary January days when the weather usually does nothing but depress us!
So, in order to participate in this project I have taken the plunge and ordered myself a new camera. Didn't even wait until my Christmas bills are all paid! I've already been notified that it has been shipped and will hopefully arrive next week.
I had a wonderful Christmas (hope you all did too), but this gives me yet something else to look forward to. With any luck at all, I should have new photos to post next week!!!!


Linda Fleming said...

2009? Yikes- I was just geting used to writing 2008-LOL Did the year pass as fast for you as it did for me?

Congrats on taking the plunge and getting a new camera! I hope you have as much fun with yours as I do with mine.

Linda said...

What a great first thought is to take table top settings "still lifes." Probably because at the moment my thoughts are going to flowers and vases...I don't know why??? Just me and my rambling mind.

Anonymous said...

I look forward to seeing your new drawings and photos and whatever you desire to create!

sandy said...

Yeah, get back and get creative and share it. On my art blog I did something almost every day of the year for 2008. Sometimes it was a pain and sometimes I enjoyed it. and most weren't that good. My goal for 2009 is not to put up anything I'm not happy with. So I'll be posting a lot less, ha.