Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Chickadee Update

So far things look better in the bird world this morning. I was up at 6:00am to stand watch in case the sparrows weren't deterred by my efforts yesterday, but I've only seen Mama and Papa bringing food to the little ones today. Of course it's only 8:00 now and things could get worse later on. My hope is that the sparrows have begun to build their nest elsewhere and won't bother the chickadees again. I'll keep watch one more day, in any case, maybe more if today gets as bad as yesterday.


BumbleVee said...

Oh, I hope they are gone to parts unkown... for now...

Is it a bird house with a little opening? Can you put some little ring around the opening to make it a bit smaller so the sparrows won't even consider it as future home?

Shashi Nayagam said...

Oh goodie, I spotted my black birds too flying into the bush. I am hoping all is well there too.

Serena Lewis said...

I hope the sparrows have found another place to nest too after realising that you mean business. Good for you, Mary ~ :)

Linda Fleming said...

Keep up the good fight, Mary! I'm rooting for you and the chickadees!

Anonymous said...

I know how it is watching the bird family, my robin babies have gone now but one we found dead in the driveway, don't know what happened to that one. I hope the sparows leave the chikadee's alone now.