This should have been posted on Monday, but here it is Wednesday, and I'm just getting it done! There's no hope for me! I got sidetracked finishing a quilt square for a friend's wedding canopy, which I will try to remember to post later. Anyway, here's my take on the What Am I theme for this week. Now I'm going to be mean and wait to post the full photo of this item til tomorrow to see if you can tell what it is from these photos. I'll bet some of you will figure it out right away!
I am a mother of three, grandmother of four. I've been involved in the arts for 30 years and still learning! I hope that will always be the case! I love trying new things as you will see if you read this blog. So much to do, so little time...........
It appears to be an (African?) carved figure of some sort?????
Or maybe Egyptian??
letter opener?
top end of a backscratcher....or maybe a shoehorn?? dunno really.... ya got me stumped... this was a fun one...
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