Saturday, January 31, 2009

I missed posting a photo yesterday after receiving some family news which put everything else out of my mind for awhile. So here's a picture from my files and I'll get something else up later today. Autumn is my favorite time of year for several reasons. The main reason is that I get all this glorious color in my neighborhood without doing any new planting, watering, weeding, or any of the other tasks involved in gardening....which I can't do much of anymore, anyway. What's not to love?


sandy said...

What a GORGEOUS photo. I'm so looking forward to seeing what your area (and others) look like through the changing seasons.

so beautiful...

I hope all is well...

Linda Fleming said...

Is this the same view as the previous snow photo entry? What a difference! I can see why you love the autumn in your area- your yard is like a beautiful painting.

I think your last photo for the month should be one of Roy in your underwear! LOL!

MaryO said...

Yes, it's the very same view, Linda. Hardly looks like the same scene, does it?
LOL!! Roy in my underwear...the world is NOT ready for that.

Cheryl said...

This is a great fall view. Fall is my favorite time of year too. I love the crispness in the air and the beauty of the colors. Throw on a sweatshirt, go for a walk and no sweating or freezing. Smell of the wood burner on the patio, sitting around it with your nose getting a bit cold. Apples and apple butter making....yummmmmm. Best time of the year.

Shashi Nayagam said...

Those colours of autumn are gorgeous. Every hue and colour of autumn is there in the picture.